Mel 1b, 51250 Novi Vinodolski, Croatia

Daniel Nash, Anne Nash (Bristol, UK)

this year, we decided to explore the beautiful coast of Croatia for the first time. Being certified skippers ourselves, it’s a shame we didn’t visit it earlier! You can count on Smart Sail to provide you with high-quality boats and recommend best sailing routes.”


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Company name: Smart sail d.o.o.
Address: Mel 1b, 51250 Novi Vinodolski, Croatia
OIB: 67468241147

hamag bicro logo

Marina Novi

Mel 1b, 51250 Novi 91 33 33 787

About us

Smart Sail Eco Charter was founded by true lovers of the sea and sailing, in hope that the preservation of the Adriatic Sea and coastline can co-exist harmoniously with sailing yacht charter.

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